我的MDA吃信,發信端還收到too many hops的錯誤

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我的MDA吃信,發信端還收到too many hops的錯誤

文章WhiteSox » 週一 9月 12, 2005 4:27 pm


從其它smtp伺服器寄信給它,在它的log檔中(/var/log/mail/current)可見到信已被收下放進active queue,接著qmgr將信從queue中刪除


過不久,發信的smtp伺服器產生了Mail Delivery Failure的訊息,說too many hops.......

main.cf, master.cf, dovecot.conf改到爛了還是依然故我,只有在此請求大家給點靈感了。

home_mailbox = (預設值)
mail_spool_directory = (預設值)
mailbox_transport = (預設值)

# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup
cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
qmgr fifo n - n 300 1 qmgr
rewrite unix - - n - - trivial-rewrite
bounce unix - - n - 0 bounce
defer unix - - n - 0 bounce
trace unix - - n - 0 bounce
verify unix - - n - 1 verify
flush unix n - n 1000? 0 flush
proxymap unix - - n - - proxymap
smtp unix - - n - - smtp
relay unix - - n - - smtp
showq unix n - n - - showq
error unix - - n - - error
local unix - n n - - local
virtual unix - n n - - virtual
lmtp unix - - n - - lmtp
anvil unix - - n - 1 anvil

default_mail_env = mbox:/var/spool/mail/%u
auth = default
auth_mechanisms = plain
auth_userdb = passwd
auth_passdb = shadow
auth_user = root

Sep 12 16:22:02 [postfix/smtpd] connect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:02 [postfix/smtpd] 4E0926BC3DE: client=unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:02 [postfix/cleanup] 4E0926BC3DE: message-id=<001d01c5b773$5e24f6d0$0f0aa8c0@randyhousesvr>
Sep 12 16:22:02 [postfix/qmgr] 4E0926BC3DE: from=<sender@sender.host.domain>, size=3235, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 12 16:22:02 [postfix/smtpd] disconnect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:09 [postfix/smtp] 4E0926BC3DE: to=<recipient@recipient.host.domain>, relay=recipient.host.domain[], delay=7, status=sent (250 Message accepted for delivery)
Sep 12 16:22:09 [postfix/qmgr] 4E0926BC3DE: removed

Sep 12 16:22:12 [postfix/smtpd] connect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:12 [postfix/smtpd] 1009F6BC3DE: client=unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:12 [postfix/cleanup] 1009F6BC3DE: message-id=<001d01c5b773$5e24f6d0$0f0aa8c0@randyhousesvr>
Sep 12 16:22:12 [postfix/qmgr] 1009F6BC3DE: from=<sender@sender.host.domain>, size=3837, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 12 16:22:12 [postfix/smtpd] disconnect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:13 [postfix/smtp] 1009F6BC3DE: to=<recipient@recipient.host.domain>, relay=recipient.host.domain[], delay=1, status=sent (250 Message accepted for delivery)
Sep 12 16:22:13 [postfix/qmgr] 1009F6BC3DE: removed

Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/smtpd] connect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/smtpd] 090556BC3DE: client=unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/cleanup] 090556BC3DE: message-id=<001d01c5b773$5e24f6d0$0f0aa8c0@randyhousesvr>
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/qmgr] 090556BC3DE: from=<sender@sender.host.domain>, size=4439, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/smtpd] disconnect from unknown[]
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/smtp] 090556BC3DE: to=<recipient@recipient.host.domain>, relay=www2.docubank.com.tw[], delay=0, status=sent (250 Message accepted for delivery)
Sep 12 16:22:16 [postfix/qmgr] 090556BC3DE: removed

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <recipient@recipient.host.domain>
(reason: 554 5.4.6 Too many hops)

----- Transcript of session follows -----
554 5.4.6 Too many hops 27 (25 max): from <sender@sender.host.domain> via localhost, to <recipient@recipient.host.domain>


You don't appear to have the mysql database installed yet.
最後由 WhiteSox 於 週一 9月 12, 2005 5:42 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
文章: 6
註冊時間: 週五 9月 09, 2005 2:33 pm


文章WhiteSox » 週一 9月 12, 2005 5:35 pm

    | 防火牆 + DNS | <-- 兩個主權網域的DNS
   | 防毒郵件閘道器 | <-- 一台e-mail relay server
     /        \
    /          \
  -----------   -----------
 |發信用RedHat+Postfix|  |收信的gentoo+Postfix |
 |伺服器        |   |+ dovecot伺服器   |
  -----------   ------------
  ^                 ^
  |____網域A             |______網域B
文章: 6
註冊時間: 週五 9月 09, 2005 2:33 pm

文章paar » 週二 9月 13, 2005 5:36 pm

如果用外面(如, gmail)的 mail server 寄進來呢?
還有 mx record 呢?
文章: 1154
註冊時間: 週四 1月 30, 2003 10:53 am
來自: 打狗市

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